Dignity Period was setup to accept donations and redistribute the resources to help young women deal with menstruation in areas where poverty is prevalent - sub-sahara Africa. The organization now helps many communities globally.
Dignity Period was setup to accept donations and redistribute the resources to help young women deal with menstruation in areas where poverty is prevalent - sub-sahara Africa. The organization now helps many communities globally.
This video describes how to host a period supply drive to combat period poverty.
A new study to celebrate period poverty has revealed an increase in women suffering from a lack of income/funds that is affecting their comfort and stress during menstruation. Read the report.
In the progressive inclusive workplaces, some organization encourage the practise of taking sick leave for period pain. This blog gives more information about the challenges some women face balancing menstruation with their careers.
A report indicating the boom in assisted reproductive technology & FemTech including the rise in numbers of hospitals, fertility clinics, clinical research and others.
Premenstrual Syndrome as it is named is the phenomena of the irritability before a period, as the progesterone levels rise. This guide starts with a basic outline.
New Zealand publication creating publicity and awareness about the reproductive cycle listing the phases and some awareness.
A neat summary of how the menstrual cycle can be split into 4 phases.
A list of startups working in the FemTech sector.